Hi all, I’m facing an issue with WireMock hanging ...
# help
Hi all, I’m facing an issue with WireMock hanging after the first test case and would love your assistance. In my test, I configure WireMock in a base class, which other tests later extend. The initialization looks like this:
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protected static WireMockServer wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(WireMockConfiguration.wireMockConfig().dynamicPort());

public static void startWireMock() {

public static void stopWireMock() {
Then, in my test, I extend the base class and, in the
stage, I configure the stubs like this:
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In the first test case, everything works as expected. However, in the subsequent test cases, WireMock just hangs, and the tests fail due to a timeout that I’ve configured. I’m using wiremock-standalone v3.6.0 in my pom.xml file Is there any workaround to this? (I’ve tried calling wireMockServer.resetAll(); with no success) Thanks!
Which test framework are you using? JUnit 4 / 5 or TestNG?
And why would you want to recreate the same mock every time for every test? Why not just define it once?
I’m using JUnit 4. In my test cases, the HTTP responses are constant, so I wanted to avoid copying and pasting the same stubs for each test. The one that I’ve pasted here is one of many others
Can you try adding them to the WireMock server in the
method just to see if that works?