Happy Friday :slightly_smiling_face: , I have weir...
# help
Happy Friday 🙂 , I have weird issues in wiremock, and I am not able to understand How to fix it For example, there is a test called “Message Test Class.” It will start three iOS simulators to run five tests under Message Test Class Test 1 asks Wiremock to send a “Message Test 1" message Test 2 asks Wiremock to send a “Message Test 2” message Test 3 asks Wiremock to send a “Message Test 3" message Test 4 asks Wiremock to send a “Message Test 4” message Test 5 asks Wiremock to send a “Message Test 5" message But wire mock sends all Message to different tests. Test 1 received a Message Test 2 that supposes to send to Test 2, In short tests will receive wrong Message Test I feel like It is an interview question, lol. Let me know if you have any idea how to fix it
Think it would be better to provide a code or configuration sample. Do you use the same endpoint for all tests?
Yes I do use same endpoint for all endpoints
Then there might be a collision if you run tests in parallel and share the same WireMock instance. Hard to say without code