HI All .. I am trying to use wiremock with python ...
# help
HI All .. I am trying to use wiremock with python .. is there a ways to set the port e.g. 8080
I am using testcontainers
It would make my life easier to be able to set the port inline within my code
def wm_server():
with wiremock_container(secure=False) as wm:
Config.base_url = wm.get_url("__admin")
[Mappings.create_mapping(mapping=mapping) for mapping in get_mappings()]
yield wm
Hi, I haven't used the python library so I don't really know what is available on the library. According to this post it sounds like it is a little behind compared to the more recent releases but setting a port for WireMock is a pretty basic feature so I would be surprised if that wasn't available - https://wiremock-community.slack.com/archives/C054W4GE9UZ/p1707736695969169?thread_ts=1707412539.965259&cid=C054W4GE9UZ