Here is the error screenshot
# help
Here is the error screenshot
@Tom @Lee Turner Can you please help
Hi Pradeep, did you see this when you saved the stub? And what steps had you taken prior to this?
Hi @Tom, Yes I get this error when I am trying to save the stub. I was able to save the stub successfully when I select the Body as Equal to Json from the drop down. But I want to receive the response even if the fields in the payload matches and not only for the exact values. so I tried to select "matches" from the drop down and when I hit Save, I got this error
uses regular expressions so I suspect what this message is telling you is that there are symbols (or combinations) in there that aren’t valid
If you want to match a JSON document then
is definitely the way to go.
I dont want to match all the keys and values in the JSON. I just want to make sure that only keys are matching and the values can be any. In that case also, equal to Json is the only way?
It's probably still the best way if you use placeholders for the values
ok, Thank you @Tom