<@U03N1E342B0> would it be possible for an app to ...
# help
@Tom would it be possible for an app to send http to wiremock while https is set as proxyBaseUrl to forward https connection? I wonder the corporate proxyVia cannot be https in this case as wiremock sets something like export http_proxy instead of https_proxy
You can set up a proxy stub to an HTTPS target then call it over HTTP, although this is reverse proxying rather than forward as you’d be hitting the WireMock hostname as the endpoint from your client.
@Tom but proxyVia can be only http for the corporate proxy to connect to the external, while i need it as https. I have tested it but it didn’t work.
I’m not sure what you mean - proxyVia should work for HTTP or HTTPS targets. Can you share the details of the issue you’re seeing?