<@U03N1E342B0> So how about trying out <https://gi...
# wiremock-java
@Tom So how about trying out https://github.com/wiremock/community/blob/main/infra/maven-central.md for the gRPC extension? I think we should have a convention plugin later to simplify it, but the flow should be more ready
👍 1
@Tom You still need to copy over the bits to
, like extracting GPG and Nexus creds. I hope to finish the convention plugin next week, and then it should becime much easier\
Still can’t believe how hard this is in 2023
It is much easier with Maven
But oh yes, we will get it better
First time anyone’s ever said that 😂
😃 1
https://github.com/wiremock/wiremock-state-extension/blob/develop/build.gradle for the example. You will need to add env var resolution to GPG and Nexus publishi
First time anyone’s ever said that
I am the guy who likes checked exceptions. Wjhat would you expect from me 😛
I suspect there’s a strong correlation between liking checked exceptions and liking Maven 🙂
😛 1
@Tom "Received status code 409 from server: Conflict" means you need to burn and increment the version
I’m close I think. Just needed to delete the half completed build from my last attempt.
I normally just change the version, because GitHub has some eventual consistency when deleting packages
🤮 1
This is why I tripled the number of releases in the Extension State Plugin, especially when I hit the Gradle 8 bug. Sorry @Dirk Bolte 🙂
This should be possible in a one-liner in this day and age. I’m speechless that it’s taken me nearly a day to get this working.
Any idea why this might have happened?
Where does Sonatype go to find valid signer keys?
I’ve got that in the build, but that’s not what I mean - where does Nexus find what it considers a valid key?
Did we hand that over via Jira when setting up the release bot account with Sonatype?
Yes, the key is registered with Nexus for the release bot
It is on one of the open source keyrings and verified
I wonder if the issue is that I’ve previously released this with my own key
Where can I grab a copy of the key? Would like to try validating locally.