how we can mock apis through wiremock in springboo...
# help
how we can mock apis through wiremock in springboot but not for writting test cases, i just want to create request and response in springboot then i want to call this apis from my local machine?
You can run wiremock standalone (jar or docker) which might be what you are looking for. Docs for that can be found here - I also setup an example repo with wiremock running in docker here -
actually i want to run my wiremock in aws lambda service, for that i need to add its dependency in pom.xml, which seems not possible doing with standalone jar, i am using standalone jar only but because of this issue, i want to switch to springboot.
@Lee Turner
OK, I am not sure I understand what you are looking for. You want to run wiremock in aws lambda and connect to it from a springboot service ?
i want to run my wiremock in aws lamdba, how can i run standalone jar there?
Ah, sorry, I don’t have any experience running wiremock in lambda. According to this page it would seem running in headless mode might be the way to go -
do u have any doc for how we can mock apis through wiremock in springboot but not for writting test cases, i just want to create request and response in springboot then i want to call this apis from my local machine?
I don’t know of any documentation. I guess you could access the wiremock admin endpoints to load the stub mappings from a spring boot service. You can find details of the admin interface here -