WireMock 3.2.0 is out, sporting 2 new extension po...
# announcements
WireMock 3.2.0 is out, sporting 2 new extension points some bug fixes and better defaults: https://github.com/wiremock/wiremock/releases/tag/3.2.0 Also even more excitingly, this release’s new HTTP server extension point supports a brand new gRPC extension! https://github.com/wiremock/wiremock-grpc-extension Documentation to follow shortly, but you can find Java and standalone demos here: https://github.com/wiremock/wiremock-grpc-demos
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Does it support proxing and recording for grpc?
Good question - sadly no, not yet.
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There are are a number of things still missing that I think people will want hence the 0.1.0 version.
But the intention is to keep working on it, and obviously all contributions are very welcome.
I've got my open project. One is enough, not having time even for that. :) What I can tell that I did it at work for very limited needs by putting grpcToHttpProxy infront and httpToGrpcProxy in back. lt works but only unary calls are handled. I used HttpServer and HttpClient from jdk so even didn't have to add any dependencies. I make POST call with service and grpc method name in the url and then forward based on service prefix and parse based on method to deconstruct grpc request and response.
OK, that sounds like it could be workable in WireMock. Would be nice to figure out how to make streaming work also (this is supported already via stubbing, up to a point).
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