another question: I am trying to match my request ...
# help
another question: I am trying to match my request using bodyPatterns - matchesXPath. But I am getting Warning: failed to evaluate the XPath expression
Can you share the expression and an example of the XML you want to match?
For brevity, this is the part that is important
I want to match the ci
"bodyPatterns": [ { "matchesXPath": "//ns3:ci/text()='0829004593005'" } ]
What I intended: if the url matches, and the body matches the expression, use this mapping
the number in ci, will change depending on my test case
is my expression wrong?
I also tried "matchesXPath": "//ci[text() = '2896300080021']"
but it did not work
worked for me. Still investigating whey the wildcard didn’t work.
will try that
It almost worked. There is something weird. If I shutdown the wiremock docker container, bring it up again, and run only this test, it works. If I do the same but run all my test suite with mvn test the test fails