<@U03N1E342B0> some comments of the new features i...
# wiremock-cloud
@Tom some comments of the new features in WireMock Cloud beta for the new interactive design — well done and exciting. I was looking to bring over an API and post-Demo reality hit. 🙂 We use SwaggerHub for designing our OAS3 contracts and make huge use of $ref to URL references. See Using $ref (swagger.io) A typical contracts is built from a hierachy of contracts. For example for our Customers Modality: • Domain: ConsistentContracts ◦ Contains shared responses, parameters, headers, and schemas • Domain: Customer Data Model ◦ Schemas • Domain: Customer Master Domain ◦ Built from all references to the first two domains plus additional responses, parameters, request bodies, examples, and schemas • API - Customer Master ◦ Endpoint definitions with references to the above Domains Right now when I want to use the new WireMock Cloud feature to generate a WireMock from an OAS 3 contracts, I export a resolved API contract (such as the API - Customer Master referenced above) and then copy/paste that into Postman for the WireMock generation. I’m trying to see a way to use your new Cloud OAS features but not need to move stuff back to 3-4 other files. Any suggestions or have you looked at that scenario? SwaggerHub has full APIs to read/write to those APIs/Domains.
🙌 1
Thanks for the feedback Brian. You’re not the first who raised exactly this concern so I think we probably just need to prioritise the work to enable $ref support. I’m going to make sure we prioritise discussing this as a team next time we’re doing roadmap work. Out of interest - do you think Swaggerhub has got the design right in this respect, or are there things you wished it did differently?
👍🏻 1
@Tom as we discussed on the call. SwaggerHub is a tool we mainly use for API review and not design. Our current API workflow is: • Development: Visual Studio Code using $ref for local files. ◦ We use multiple swagger editor plug-ins ◦ Run scipts to set versions in the related files — SwaggerHub needs you to touch each file — which is painful. Thus the scripts and API calls to SwaggerHub. ◦ Bitbucket Repo • Review: SwaggerHub • Testing: Postman • Publishing: Planning Readme.com documentation • API Gateway: Customized WSO2
Thanks for sharing this @Brian Bezanson. Sounds like you’ve had to put a lot of work into your own tooling!