Just wanted to confirm - I believe it's already be...
# help
Just wanted to confirm - I believe it's already been discussed so please point me to a doc if that answers best - but is Wiremock 2.x supported any more, or will 3.x now be the only supported release?
Weโ€™ll backport security fixes to 2.x where vulns are discoverd (for a period of time TBD) but other than that it wonโ€™t receive any changes.
Have you encountered a tricky upgrade situation?
No this was purely educational to know whether I should be flagging usage of 2.x as "deprecated" or "unmaintained" for folks, that's good to know, thank you! Is there anything publicly noting that?
I think Oleg put a public GH issue up explaining this
That's very helpful thank you ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ
Would you have any immediate concerns of having the supported versions listed in endoflife.date ie https://endoflife.date/keycloak - where 3.x is shown in support and 2.x is - for now - also supported, then when there's a date decided we can update there? I'm happy to keep on top of it, if you'd like, but thought I'd see how you feel about it first ๐Ÿ˜
@Oleg Nenashev wdyt?
I have the policy for the website in the drafts
Coming soon ๐Ÿ™‚ For the endoflife.date, indeed I can add it, but I didnf't want to do that since we reserve options for WireMock 2 at the moment. I can still add a stub there with reference to docs
No labour required from you by the sound of it @Jamie Tanna [he/him]. Thanks for the offer though!
Awesome, appreciate it ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ thanks both!
Yeah, all set for the policy. But anything back on the documentation for WireMock 3 is appreciated, I'm currently preparing it as a main subject for Hacktoberfest
Speaking of which, any chance youโ€™d be able to make it down to WireMock HQ in London on 11th of Oct @Jamie Tanna [he/him]? Would be great to say hi in person.
Awesome! Once that's done, I can get it wired up so it can show up as an advisory in ie dependency-management-data, a tool I've been building, so folks would get a report like https://dependency-management-data-example.fly.dev/report/advisories?organisation=wiremock that'd say "you're currently / soon using an end of life version" ๐Ÿ˜
That sounds nice, would deffo be cool to finally say hi in person! I'll have to see schedule wise and let you know - would this be a day thing or evening?
We plan a Hacktoberfest Hackergarten for this day. To be announced today, hopefully
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@Tom were you still planning something for the 11th? ๐Ÿ‘€
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@Jamie Tanna [he/him] see the social media announcements, I will put it to the chat too
You thinking you might be able to join us @Jamie Tanna [he/him]?
I may be able to swing a work visit into this as well, will have a chat with my manager today about it!
Excellent! ๐Ÿคž
Sorry not sure I'll be able to make it this time - hopefully next time / soon ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿฝ
Ah shame! Let us know if you manage to contrive a trip to London at any point. Weโ€™re usually around mid week.
Yeah I'll definitely be taking you up on it - be nice to finally meet ๐Ÿ™‚
On the topic of supported versions - happy to create a separate thread if needbe - but did you know we've got several end-of-life/soon to be end-of-life versions of things running in the org? https://dependency-management-data-example.fly.dev/report/advisories?organisation=wiremock lists things in the org, you can ignore the
ones as they're indirect dependencies