Hi I'm trying to use json unit regex and i have tw...
# help
Hi I'm trying to use json unit regex and i have two urls that i want to match - something along signin.qa.abc.com and the other one with signin.dev.abc.com I wrote
as the pattern but it does not match the above two urls. is there any guide to follow for these regex?
other things i tried -
Hi. In which field do you perform the match? Is it the JSON body or something else?
@Oleg Nenashev I want to match the json responses using assertThatJson
I am putting the json-unit.regex in the json file - which would be used and loaded as expected response
On another note - how do I put json-unit.regex in the middle of a string? is that possible?
No, I don't think so
for anyone having the same question - what worked for me was
"URL": "${json-unit.regex}^<https://signin>\\.(qa|dev)\\.abc\\.com"
I had to escape the dots