Hello, I am wondering if someone can help me. I am...
# help
Hello, I am wondering if someone can help me. I am attempting to setup a wiremock where a request is stubbed with an approved response and unique transactionid. Then makes a postServeAction call to a webhook service with the response.transactionId in the payload. The problem is that the webhook server requires a certificate in order to make the connection. I am attempting to setup the certificate with https, but the original request does not need the certificate. is this possible? could someone step me through a configuration that would accomplish this?
Thinking out of the box, can’t you use something like REST Assured in the post serve action to make the call? And then either ignore the certificate using RelaxedHttpsValidation() or use something like this: https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.rest-assured/rest-assured/latest/io/restassured/config/SSLConfig.html
So, in place of the postserveaction in the json stub file, I would put a rest Assured call? Is there documentation on how to do this?
No, as I said 'thinking out of the box' 🙂 If you need some help with Rest Assured I think I'll be able to do that (although I've never set up a keystore). You don't put the Rest Assured call in the JSON stub file, you put it in the definition of your custom extension that extends the PostServeAction