Hello Can someone help me to make integer from str...
# help
Hello Can someone help me to make integer from string in a response? Like this:
Copy code
"year": "{{now format='yyyy' type='NUMERIC'}}",
"month": "{{now format='M' type='NUMERIC'}}",
"day": "{{now format='d' type='NUMERIC'}}",
"hour": "{{now format='h' type='NUMERIC'}}",
But this doesn’t work. Main idea is that I generate components(year, month, day…) from date with formats and then I want to make it to integer types to decode it, because backend sends this fields in integer type. Or maybe someone can suggest another way to mock response like that?
As long as you use quotes, it will inject strings as JSON spec expects. Not sure removing them is going to help though, I don't have an opportunity to test it right now. We'll try to do it tonight when I'm at the hotel
It works without quotes. Thanks
You're welcome!