Hello, I was looking one usage of wiremock where w...
# help
Hello, I was looking one usage of wiremock where we mock aws kinesis api in json file mappings and we start the wiremock server with the mapping file and openSSL client certificate. if it successfully ran, then we can be able to mock all the apis that is shown in docker logos. I have add one more aws Kinesis api; listServiceQuotas, which I am trying to mock and it shows in mappings but when we start the server it does not show in verbose that it has been mocked. My guess is it has more additional layer of security (AWS) which is causing it to fail. Or am I doing something wrong?
which I am trying to mock and it shows in mappings but when we start the server it does not show in verbose that it has been mocked.
A config file is needed to analyse the behavior
And the WireMock version too
This is config file
Copy code
    image: wiremock/wiremock:2.32.0-alpine
       - 80:80
       - 443:443
    command: "--global-response-templating --verbose --https-port 443 --https-keystore /home/wiremock/mockKinesisServerCertificate.p12 --keystore-type PKCS12"
      - ./testdata/mockKinesisServerCertificate.p12:/home/wiremock/mockKinesisServerCertificate.p12
      - ./testdata/aws_kinesis.json:/home/wiremock/mappings/aws_kinesis.json
Version :
Method any maybe?
Usage in my code :
serviceQuotaResponse, err := awsRegionalClientObj.serviceQuotasClient.ListServiceQuotas(ctx, serviceQuotaRequest)