Hello Folks I am exploring WireMock for the iOS ap...
# help
Hello Folks I am exploring WireMock for the iOS app. I have developed simple posts app. I am consuming https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts. I want to stub below cases for ui tests with the help of WireMock • Success with data • Success with empty data • Failed I have tried priority and state however not getting expected result. My mapping look like this:
Copy code
  "mappings": [
      "priority": 1,
      "request": {
        "method": "GET",
        "url": "/posts"
      "response": {
        "status": 200,
        "bodyFileName": "posts-default.json"
      "priority": 2,
      "request": {
        "url": "/posts"
      "response": {
        "status": 200,
        "bodyFileName": "posts-empty.json"
      "priority": 3,
      "request": {
        "url": "/posts"
      "response": {
        "status": 500,
        "bodyFileName": "posts-error.json"
Can anyone help me how to achieve one url which has multiple response?
There are multiple ways to achieve this. I m not sure about the best alternative. One of way is to send meta header indicating what sort of response is expected and you can add mapping for the same.
@Kapish Malik can you share an example?
it ll be same mapping. U just need to include header in this example and send header in the request.
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"headers": {
            "response-type": {
                "equalTo": "error"
response-type u need to send in the request based on response u want
@Kapish Malik this is working from postman. It is not working from UITests. I cannot add header
header. I am using https://github.com/mobileforming/WiremockClient.git. My Stubbing goes like this:
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let stub = StubMapping.stubFor(requestMethod: .GET,
                                       urlMatchCondition: .urlPathEqualTo,
                                       url: endPoint)
            .withHeader("response-type", matchCondition: .equalTo, value: "success")
I have tried to serve response from local file aprt from this approach. It doesn't work. Can you throw some insights how wiremock pick the response apart from most recent stub?
checking ur example
@mahbaleshwar hegde hey are u sending this response-type from your code when u r making actual request.
This looks fine to me.
Ur code snippet should work... it seems like u might be missing sending response-type.
as it is working from Postman
This stubbing in my unit tests. I am not sending "response-type" in actual request. My request does not "response-type".
apiClient.register {
RESTAPIClient(url: URL(string: "<http://localhost:8080/>")!)
Copy code
func test_02ShouldDisplayBlogList() throws {
        let cell = app.tables["blogPostTableView"].cells.firstMatch
        XCTAssertTrue(cell.waitForExistence(timeout: 10.0))
ohh okay... it won't work for UT as u need to pass and make code changes in ur existing code.
@Oleg Nenashev @Tom if u guys can help
@mahbaleshwar hegde if it is just UT then u can test it as different UT all together.
I was on vacation. sorry for the late respone. I am trying different tests only. I think you got the problem. I cannot modify production code. is there any other way to get the similar behaviour? I tried scenario, It require new state and required state to simulate. Now tests are coupled.
@Kapish Malik @Oleg Nenashev @Tom can you please throw some insights?
You can always do it by stateful behavior. You can define multiple sequential states which give different responses. https://wiremock.org/docs/stateful-behaviour/