Hi all, I needed help I wanted to use the stubbed ...
# help
Hi all, I needed help I wanted to use the stubbed response in the request body for webhook using response templating. Is there any way to do it? For eg. I generate a random UUID in the stubbed response for the original request and want to use that same UUID in the webhook request body.
Hi. Response transformer from https://github.com/9cookies/wiremock-extensions, maybe?
I actually used it on the weekend for a similar usecase in my WireMock Testcontainers Module documentation https://github.com/wiremock/wiremock-testcontainers-java
See "Using WireMock extensions" section for the latter
Thanks! Going through the docs.
I think I can use the response simulator to get the response param and use it in the webhook request body
Yes, it could be an option too
@Oleg Nenashev Do I need to build a jar and add it to the classpath if I want to use it with Wiremock standalone server?
You can download the jar of the extension from GitHub packages, and then follow the Documentation
Do you run WireMock standalone in Docker? If so, I consider adding the extension manager into the image in the future so that the SDKs are more simple. No commitment/ETA for now
Yes I run it with Docker in standalone mock. Okay sure
So no you can just use mvn dependency:get when building the docker image to put them into the extensions directory. There need to specify a jar-with-dependencies similar to the example I shared. And then pass the --extensions argument to WireMock
Later I will speak to @Tom about extending the configuration file spec so that it would include maven locations for the extensions and hence the docker builder could download them
Yes for now will add the jar to the directory and specify it the classpath. So good news is it is working with the callback-simulator as per my use case locally, will check with docker how it runs
👍 1
Thank you @Oleg Nenashev
Happy to help! If you would be interested to write a few paragraphs on this use-case, happy to help to add it to the documentation!
Sure will write up a paragraph on this weekend!
👍 1
Thank you! Generally I want to add a section to the documentation that would store Short recipes for common use cases, and it would be a nice use case for sure