Hi all. I usually standalone version of wiremock. ...
# help
Hi all. I usually standalone version of wiremock. In the mapping.json file, I specified the following { "request": { "urlPath": "/createPayment", "method": "POST" }, response: { status: 200 headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "jsonBody": { "reqStatus": 0, "reqTime": "2020-12-11T130000.000+00:00", "esppPayId": "123", "gatewayMerchantId": "asdasd", "gateway": "d221", "orderId": "123", "merchantId": "332", "reqNote": "????????????", "reqUserMsg": "????? ??????" } }, "postServeActions": [ { "name": "webhook", "parameters": { "method": "POST", "url": "", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Service-Token": "token_dsa" }, "body": "{\"reqType\": \"confirmPayment\",\"shopId\": \"442\",\"orderId\": \"123\",\"esppPayId\": \" 5185117679\",\"svcNum\": \"12344\",\"payAmount\": 123,\"payTime\": \"123341\",\"payCurrId\": \"RUB\",\" reqTime\": \"2012-07-25T132515+6:00\",\"reqStatus\": 0,\"payStatus\":3}" } } ] } Wiremock launch options are as follows java -cp wiremock-jre8-standalone-2.35.0.jar;wiremock-webhooks-extension-2.33.2.jar --port 8001 For some reason, when a /createPayment request is received, the action specified in postServeActions is not performed. But if I change https to http, then the callback is sent successfully.