we are using wiremock studio to import api spec fi...
# wiremock-cloud
we are using wiremock studio to import api spec file and generating mock
Hi It will be better to migrate to WireMock Cloud. You can still use WireMock Studio, but there will be no further support or updates to WireMock Studio. We are also planning to improve the flow of importing api spec and generating mocks, and this will be done in WireMock Cloud only.
Sure, Thanks @Uri
what are the steps to migrate to wiremock cloud
@Uri, I check wiremock cloud, is there any API to import open API spec, I see you have provided option to import api spec in wiremock cloud , but can I acheive it through api
like we used to have mocklab.io/import
You can
an OpenAPI spec to
. In curl:
curl -v -X POST -d '@/path/to/openapi.yml' 'https://<api>.wiremockapi.cloud/__admin/mocklab/imports'
(Obviously if you have Admin API security on you'll need to include your token as a header:
Authorization: Token <my_token>
. See https://docs.wiremock.io/security/)
Thanks Rob
Hi @Rob Elliot, what is <api> in the url https://<api>.wiremockapi.cloud/__admin/mocklab/imports or url is https://<api>.wiremockapi.cloud/__admin/mocklab/imports
Could you please confirm