Hello dear community! Need your help! Given stub t...
# wiremock-java
Hello dear community! Need your help! Given stub to map value from Json request body to Response:
{{{jsonPath request.body '$..paths[1].source'}}}
Copy code
  "request": {
    "urlPattern": ".*/transfers",
    "method": "POST"
  "response": {
    "status": 200,
    "body": "{\"id\":  \"{{{jsonPath request.body '$..paths[1].source'}}}\",
Request is a valid Json structure containing this part in its body, and I need to get blablablah2 from request body to return it in response body:
Copy code
  "paths": [
      "source": "blablablah1",
      "destination": "blablablah1"
      "source": "blablablah2",
      "destination": "blablablah2"
My issue is that Wiremock returns:
"body": "{\"id\":  \"[\"*blablablah2*\"]\",
and I'd like to get it without
[ ]
, any idea why it's happening?
"body": "{\"id\":  \"[\"*blablablah2*\"]\",
"body": "{\"id\":  \"*blablablah2*\",
👀 1
Hi @Pavel Serada Have you tried something like:
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{{{jsonPath request.body '$..paths[1].source[0]'}}}
@Pavel Serada I think it is your double
between the
and the rest of the expression. The following returned what you’d expect:
Copy code
"response": {
    "status": 200,
    "body": "{\"id\":  \"{{{jsonPath request.body '$.paths[1].source'}}}\" }"
Copy code
  "id": "blablablah2"
As for why… I don’t know 🤷🏻
is a query, meaning it always returns a list of results
Whereas a single
indicates a selector, which is potentially only one element.
That’s what OP wants in this case, right? Just one element, instead of a list/array?
Yes, I think your solution is probably the more elegant one!
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😅 One day I’ll learn jsonPath querying syntax… But today is not that day 😛
going to give it a try in a sec, thanks guys!
It worked! really appreciate your help, guys! @Tom @Aaron!!!
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