You can set up a default stub (priority of 10 and ...
# general
You can set up a default stub (priority of 10 and no URL specified, so will match any) with whatever default response you’d like if you don’t want to get the diffs
Hey @Tom Thanks for the answer, i will try this! And what if i would like to do an health check ?
I'd suggest creating a basic stub matching whatever URL you want the healthcheck to be on
That just returns an empty 200 maybe
I usually have a
endpoint that does exactly what Tom describes.
Copy code
  "request": {
    "url": "/health-check"
  "response": {
    "status": 200,
    "bodyFileName": "health-check.json"
I usually include a
just to make sure that the
folder is hooked up, but when hitting the
I usually just check for the status code.
Copy code
/// __files/health-check.json
  "health": "succeeded"
🙏 1