I am using standalone jar for running wiremock. No...
# general
I am using standalone jar for running wiremock. Now i want to enable https calls to my wiremock server. How can i do it??
You can do this by setting the HTTPS port. Via the CLI this is something like
does this mean that for enabling https requests, i should eexpose 8443..?
Im deploying a docker container in gke using this command and using the wiremock to stub my apis
Copy code
ENTRYPOINT exec java $JAVA_OPTS -cp wiremock-standalone.jar:wiremock-grpc-extension-standalone.jar wiremock.Run --port 8080 --root-dir wiremock-data
If you want the HTTPS port to be accessible outside the Docker network, yes you’ll need to expose 8443 (assuming you’ve also added
is it 8443 or 443??
You can pick whatever port you wish above 1024 (since WireMock runs as non-root). Doesn’t have to be the same port number you expose though - that can be 443 provided your Docker setup permits it.