just in case... Does Wiremock may support SAML aut...
# general
just in case... Does Wiremock may support SAML auth acting as Identity Provider (IdP) mocking need? looking to mock it for load testing needs together with regular APIs
I’m sure you could mock a SAML endpoint with WireMock, since it’s just an HTTP + XML API. I don’t know of any public examples of this unfortunately.
🙌 1
yeah, i would love to have example. Based on xml tricks, i am quite confused how to make it work 🙂
@Tom i have done the tech research on how SAML works. Now wondering if I can configure mock in such way: • URL decode the SAML Request • base64 decode the SAML Request • extract some info (ID and Issuer) from XML • respond with ID + Issuer in Json.
You should be able to do all these things via response templating. There’s a URL encode/decode helper: https://wiremock.org/docs/response-templating/#url-encoding-helper a base64 encode/decode helper: https://wiremock.org/docs/response-templating/#url-encoding-helper and an xPath helper for extracting XML values: https://wiremock.org/docs/response-templating/#url-encoding-helper
🙌 1
tq 1