<@U04NTGJ6Z1D> Morning, I am currently @ WireMock ...
# general
@Oleg Nenashev Morning, I am currently @ WireMock Hacktoberfest, and would like to help write the wiki
Hi! Thanks for your interest! You mean the Wikipedia article , right? It is actually not that trivial, because passing the review is super complicated. I have an article staged that got rejected but we could indeed cooperate on the draft if Wikipedia supports it
👀 1
@Dave Cheng If you could contribute a bit by updating information, adding more references and examples, and adding more sections... al of that would be awesome. The key problem is that I am employed by WireMock so my initial suggestion has been quite difficult to justify. Having more independent authors helps for sure
🆒 1
Having more external links is particularly important
Sounds about right
what do you have in mind for sections?
I would keep extending the list of technologies we integrate with, including references to GitHub repositories and if wiki pages when possible. For example Quarkus, Micronaut and everything we have on the list in WireMock.org/docs
Does this look right? Building a Resilient Microservice with Quarkus and Wiremock https://levelup.gitconnected.com/building-a-resilient-microservice-with-quarkus-and-wiremock-de59b2a4fac7
For sure!
Testing REST API integrations in Micronaut applications using WireMock https://testcontainers.com/guides/testing-rest-api-integrations-in-micronaut-apps-using-wiremock/
for Improve WireMock tag descriptions on StackOverflow WireMock is a Java library authored by Tom Akehurst, designed for the creation of mock web services and the emulation of HTTP-based services. It is utilized in software development and testing, particularly in scenarios where external services or dependencies pose challenges for accessibility or control. Key Features and Use Cases: WireMock is equipped with an array of key features and is applied in a range of use cases, including: • Stubbing and Mocking: WireMock supports HTTP response stubbing, allowing the definition of expected request-response pairs known as "stubs." These stubs simulate the behavior of external services. • Request Verification: It offers capabilities for verifying incoming HTTP requests by specifying matching criteria such as HTTP method, URL, headers, and request body. • Proxy and Intercept: WireMock enables proxying and interception of HTTP requests, facilitating the analysis of request and response traffic. • Record and Playback: The library supports the recording of actual HTTP interactions and their subsequent playback, facilitating the creation of stubs based on real-world data. • Fault Injection: WireMock allows for the simulation of error conditions, network issues, and other non-ideal scenarios to assess how applications handle such challenges. Educational Use: Beyond its practical applications, WireMock serves as an educational tool, providing developers and testers with insights into API testing, mocking, and the emulation of HTTP interactions. Educational Use: Beyond its practical applications, WireMock serves as an educational tool, providing developers and testers with insights into API testing, mocking, and the emulation of HTTP interactions.
Looks good. Do not hesitate to just change the article, it has a change history if we need to verify and reverse something
Hi @Dave Cheng Did you have a chance to submit the patches to the page? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draft:WireMock
sadly not for the wiki one
How would you prefer to approach going forward? Would you be still interested to submit a patch to the page?