Hey folks, we’ve just published MockGPT - a mock o...
# announcements
Hey folks, we’ve just published MockGPT - a mock of the ChatGPT API for developing and testing generative AI apps: https://mockgpt.wiremock.io/ If anyone feels like upvoting any of these, that’d be greatly appreciated: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/15gd9g5/mockgpt_a_mock_of_the_chatgpt_api_for_developing/ https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/15gdhyf/mockgpt_a_mock_of_the_chatgpt_api_for_developing/ https://news.ycombinator.com/newest (should still be 1st page!)
Hey @Tom this is awesome. Is this module open source? I would love to contribute to this module. Is there any technical docs around this how we achieved this. I would be eager to know that as well.
There's a template published on the API library: https://library.wiremock.org/catalog/api/o/openai.com/mockgpt/
Thanks @Kapish Malik it’s all there to see in the library as Oleg says. It’s not the most complicated one we’ve built, but happy to explain any part of it that’s not clear.
Cool, thanks