On the topic of extension development and exposure...
# general
On the topic of extension development and exposure, maybe we need somewhere to help discover the extensions that are out there. Maybe a page on the site or an
repo (I am happy to set that up). Also, would it be useful to have a dedicated slack channel for extension development where we can chat about the changes coming in the extensions architecture and people can get help building their own extensions?
Hi. For the listing of extensions, sure. Right now I am listing them on https://wiremock.org/docs/solutions/jvm/ but we need a listing.
👍 1
For a Slack channel, I think #wiremock-java and #help-contributing are enough for now, but we need to make more clear where to discuss extensions
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Awesome, good to know where they are listed,
If you don't know it and cannot find it, the other users cannot too. So a rework is a must
I looked here in the first instance (maybe that was just me though 🙂 ) - https://wiremock.org/docs/extending-wiremock/