:wiremock: The website repository is cleaned up an...
# general
wiremock The website repository is cleaned up and available for contributions! We also added continuous delivery for the website, so now all integrated changes will be deployed without manual stes and pinging @Tom or @Mark Gerrard 🙂 If you see any documentation you'd like to improve, just do so or submit the documentation tickets via GitHub Issues! https://github.com/wiremock/wiremock.org
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Does it mean that docs on https://docs.wiremock.io/ autodeployes from https://github.com/wiremock/wiremock.org and it will be actually every build?
Nope. So far I changed the flow only for the community website, but yes we can do the same for WireMock Cloud Docs. CC @Tom just to confirm
and for that https://wiremock.org/docs/ first of all please 🙂
@Albert Vesker this is already published from the repository you mentioned
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I am about to do a major update there. I think we still keep Jekyll for some time but I want to improve from navigation and contents beyond the Java side. Also getting started flows. If you would like to participate, please let me know!
And I want to say that UI style of site is better on cloud version than open source 🙂
Well, my first step is making it contributeable. I guess you don't want a Jenkins maintainer to work on the UI of your website anyway 😉
so that there is no misunderstanding - this was not a remark, but an offer
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And all contributions are welcome! Currently the website uses the 5 years old Jekyll theme which is not great on its own, for example no dark mode support and not that great navigation bar that makes documentation difficult I guess the first nice step would be to update the Jekyll theme to the recent version, and to actually detach it from the code base, because right now it is just a hard fork and we would rather want to have a git submodule
On the other hand, I really want to switch the docs to Docusaurus or Antora, so maybe it is better to do this migration instead of intermediate steps
Something on the FrontEnd language....
Welcome to open source, I am actually a hardware engineer : 😁
Well not really anymore but I have started there
I'm AQA)
Yes, thanks!
missed thread)
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But yes basically you can easily edit the website contents locally and submit pull requests. There is a new contributing guide in the repository. Any reports/patches for that are also welcome