I am assembling viable opensource projects related...
# general
I am assembling viable opensource projects related to WireMock: implementations, DSL and Docker wrappers, developer tools, extensions and IDE plugins, tutorials, etc., etc. If you know about something that I missed, please suggest changes in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TQccT9Bk-o2lvRVN8_mMaGttaOnwbYFLkn0DsmwGIOA/edit?usp=sharing! P.S: The longer term goal for me is to document the ecosystem, promote them and, should any maintainers be interested, help to move to the WireMock GitHub and adopt other community channels.
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FYI @Tom. I guess you hold the most of the secret knowledge in this space :)
I try not to keep secrets 🙂 You’ve covered the vast majority I think. Off the top of my head there’s also: • Spring Cloud Contract WireMock: https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-contract/2.1.x/single/spring-cloud-contract.html#_spring_cloud_contract_wiremock • Andrew Morgan’s Pluralsight course: https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/wiremock-introduction • Udemy course: https://www.udemy.com/course/wiremock-for-java-developers/
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Thank you! And nice to know about Andrews's course. I listened to the podcast with him a few days ago, and now I can connect dots
big +1 to the cloud contract dependency, I use this all the time instead vanilla standalone. I’ve also used this junit5 extension quite a bit
Do you find there are things in that JUnit5 integration that we don’t support in the in-built one?
@Nicolas Homble thanks! Maintainer of JUnit5 extensions is actually my friend :) but I also thought that this functionality is fully integrated into the mainstream
ah, i guess ive been using wm for too long. i didnt know about https://wiremock.org/docs/junit-jupiter/ - pretty nice
might be worth asking your buddy to update his readme to point to official extension 🙂
Yeah, I've reached out! Thank you.
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