Hi. I use cucumber + java. I want create Scenario ...
# general
Hi. I use cucumber + java. I want create Scenario test-case and I don't want to create 2+ mock responses where changes just 1 field in the mock-response. What do u suggest to do?
Hi @Albert Vesker at the moment the only option is to create multiple stubs for the different states. In future we’re planning to add some richer capabilities around statefulness which will reduce the amount of duplication.
Although, since you’re driving it with code, I guess you can DRY it out that way i.e. create a factory/step definition that does the work of setting the scenario steps up.
No. I use only JSON mappings =(
I use wiremock docker-compose where I upload mappings and stubs
Why not drive it from Java, since you’re presumably writing step definitions in it already?
I use jave only for cucumber steps. Framework for AT is build for long time and no any oprions to change json-mappings to java